Take Heart for Africa

“For GOD so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16


Jesus loves children … all children. He sees them, He knows them, He defends them, He calls them, and He uses them to show us faith. Heavy, hungry, and hopeful hearts are not limited to the United States nor is God’s love limited by distance or borders. Take Heart desires to touch all children with the love and encouragement of God… heart friends down the street and across the world.


In 2017, Tammy McCurry had the opportunity to see God’s love for children in action as she traveled to Uganda. There she met a missionary and brother in Christ named John Mugowa.  John and his leadership team oversee  a community center in the capital city of Uganda.  Through this community center, children are loved and fed, education is provided, training is offered for life and trade skills, and critical needs like clean water are supplied - all in the name of Jesus. Take Heart is so honored to partner with Develop a Child Africa Ministries (DACAM) by donating 10% of all monies to the sharing of God’s love to the children of Uganda. We invite you to join us in praying for and supporting this beautiful outpouring of the love of Jesus in Africa.